Our group is home to those who are interested in learning about, researching, and exploring the paranormal and supernatural world.
Activities include: trips to potentially haunted locations in Michigan and the surrounding states, social trips to apple orchards, haunted houses, horror movie premieres, and events organized with other MSU entities, as well as weekly meetings where we play games and trivia, watch movies, openly discuss experiences and opinions, and put on events such as Fear Factor.
Along with the website, the MSU Paranormal Society Facebook page and Twitter account will contain the dates of all the meetings as well as the dates for upcoming investigations. Be sure to add us as a friend for updates and new information!
What you should know
With a passion for discovering the unknown and the paranormal, we operate out of Michigan State University. As with many investigative groups out there, we collect evidence using special equipment to both prove and disprove paranormal occurrences.